I'm at stay at home mom and housewife, trying to make money, meals and memories stretch!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

11 lbs, 3 oz

Today Ryan drove us (mom, Amber, Porter and I) up to Shriners Hospital for Amber's 3 month scans with her surgeon to make sure everything is looking good down there. It was an early morning for us, not to bad, but definitely early for Ryan. He likes to tease about having the baby in tote everywhere but obviously loves having him around during the day. Amber's scans looked good, everything seems okay. Her bone isn't growing back yet, which is kind of a downer but they said she should start walking with one crutch or a cane! That's kind of exciting! While we were there EVERYONE was coming in to see Amber's new nephew Porter, and everyone loved him. One of the nurses asked how much he weighed, and I really didn't know because it's been a couple weeks since his last weigh in (8 lbs 4 oz) and she found that unacceptable so she took me and my mom to weigh him (and myself)... I weigh 141, and Porter weighs 11.3! Big ol' boy growin fast, it's crazy.

In other news, homing situations are going crazy. Everyone is moving out and it's gonna be just me and my family for the first time in a lon
g time. Mike, who was staying with us for about a month, made his move out to Hood River and is living with his son Zack; David, our housemate of almost two years now, is moving out to who knows where right now, he hasn't really said anything; and Jeff, Porter's dad, is moving out to Bend to see if his luck with jobs and life and such is any better there then it is here. He's going to stay with his friend Lily and her boyfriend Patrick, and possibly with his friend Davey some of the time. Who knows what life will bring him there. I should be heading back to work pretty soon, and school after that. Mom is working in the mortgage industry still, trying to find people who need to refi or loans. Amber wants to find a weekend job and start saving up money, which is pretty cool and we're trying to help her with ideas.

Uhm... Not much else to share right now. In the mean time, here's a pictures of me and Porter sleeping =]

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